Hi, I’m Meg
Somatic Movement & Meditation Teacher. Space Holder. Soul Igniter.
I’m here to support you through rituals & practice. Come embrace your intuition, authenticity & truth, and discover who you are.
My story.
As a Somatic Movement and Meditation Teacher with over a decade of experience, one thing has become quite clear. There’s a void growing. And while many shift their focus away from soulful movement and toward fitness-based offerings, I’m traveling the other direction. Back to a place of remembrance, longevity, discovery and self-inquiry.
I think that’s why you’re here, too. You’re seeking a type of class or experience that goes BEYOND the external.
And if that’s the case, I’m all in. Let’s get you closer to what lights up your soul.
It can still be strong. It can still be sweaty. In fact, I believe physicality offers a doorway to deeper awareness.
So it’s not that we shy away from movement. We get present in our bodies to embrace discomfort and feel our edges; to experience our physical form, and arrive at a deeper understanding of Self.
But there’s SOUL in how we show up. In how we move. Together, we’ll go beneath the external and aesthetics, right down to the heart of our truth.
In my 14 years of teaching, I’ve led thousands of practitioners and trained over 150 teachers. I’ve kept Thia’s (my original teacher’s) spirit alive, through a wisdom that lives on through me. And I’ve developed a language surrounding my own knowledge, complete with a playful, nurturing essence.
But let’s be clear – I don’t have it all figured out.
I’m human. In my weaknesses, in my struggles. In all my overthinking and my glorious neurodivergent (ADHD) brain. And I think it’s this humanness that allows me to make these practices and rituals accessible to YOU.
I’m here to support you in the practice of getting to know who you are; to shine a light on the judgment and fear that gets in the way of embodying your true self. And I strive to embody my own truth, intuition and authenticity, as a way of giving you permission to do the same.
I look forward to creating and holding space for your self-acceptance and self-discovery. To help you arrive in your physical body and then move deeper to a SOUL level.
Whether it’s providing an experience to access your soul, or ignite your soul, or celebrate your soul…
I’m here for it all.
Love, Meg

1:1 Coaching
Intentional guidance and support in a private one-on-one setting
Intimate Day Retreats
Gather with me once monthly in nature, for a unique somatic experience
ADHD Support
Somatic movement and meditation techniques to help you navigate life
Virtual & Group Classes
These soul-based sessions are far from the typical studio class